Top 10 Terraform Commands for AWS Deployment

Are you looking to deploy your infrastructure on AWS using Terraform? Look no further! In this article, we will cover the top 10 Terraform commands for AWS deployment that will help you get started quickly and efficiently.

1. terraform init

The first command you need to run is terraform init. This command initializes your Terraform working directory and downloads the necessary provider plugins. It also creates a .terraform directory that contains the state file and other configuration files.

2. terraform plan

The terraform plan command is used to create an execution plan. It shows you what Terraform will do when you apply your configuration. This command is useful for verifying that your configuration is correct and for understanding what changes Terraform will make to your infrastructure.

3. terraform apply

Once you have reviewed the execution plan and are ready to deploy your infrastructure, you can run the terraform apply command. This command applies your configuration and creates or updates your infrastructure on AWS.

4. terraform destroy

If you need to tear down your infrastructure, you can use the terraform destroy command. This command removes all resources created by your Terraform configuration. Be careful when using this command, as it will delete all resources associated with your configuration.

5. terraform validate

The terraform validate command checks your Terraform configuration for syntax errors and other issues. This command is useful for catching errors early in the development process.

6. terraform state

The terraform state command is used to manage your Terraform state. You can use this command to view, modify, and delete resources in your state file. This command is useful for troubleshooting and managing your infrastructure.

7. terraform refresh

The terraform refresh command updates your Terraform state file with the current state of your infrastructure. This command is useful for syncing your state file with changes made outside of Terraform.

8. terraform output

The terraform output command displays the values of output variables defined in your Terraform configuration. This command is useful for retrieving information about your infrastructure, such as IP addresses and resource IDs.

9. terraform import

The terraform import command allows you to import existing resources into your Terraform state file. This command is useful for managing resources that were not created by Terraform.

10. terraform workspace

The terraform workspace command is used to manage multiple workspaces in your Terraform configuration. Workspaces allow you to manage multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production, with a single Terraform configuration.


These are the top 10 Terraform commands for AWS deployment. By mastering these commands, you will be able to deploy and manage your infrastructure on AWS with ease. Remember to always review your execution plan before applying your configuration and to use the terraform destroy command with caution. Happy deploying!

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