Top 5 AWS CDK Templates for CloudFormation Stacks

Are you tired of manually creating CloudFormation stacks in AWS? Do you want to automate your infrastructure deployment process? Look no further than AWS CDK templates for CloudFormation stacks!

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. With AWS CDK, you can define your infrastructure as code using familiar programming languages such as TypeScript, Python, Java, and C#.

In this article, we will explore the top 5 AWS CDK templates for CloudFormation stacks that will help you automate your infrastructure deployment process and save you time and effort.

1. AWS CDK for Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is a highly scalable and durable object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. With AWS CDK for Amazon S3, you can easily create and manage S3 buckets and objects using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#.

The AWS CDK for Amazon S3 template provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating S3 buckets and objects. You can define the bucket name, access control, and lifecycle rules for the objects in the bucket. You can also configure the bucket to trigger events when objects are added, deleted, or modified.

import * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';

const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', {
  versioned: true,
  removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
  autoDeleteObjects: true,
  lifecycleRules: [
      expiration: cdk.Duration.days(30),
      transitions: [
          storageClass: s3.StorageClass.INFREQUENT_ACCESS,
          transitionAfter: cdk.Duration.days(7),

2. AWS CDK for Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. With AWS CDK for Amazon EC2, you can easily create and manage EC2 instances, security groups, and key pairs using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#.

The AWS CDK for Amazon EC2 template provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating EC2 instances. You can define the instance type, AMI, security group, and key pair for the instance. You can also configure the instance to run user data scripts on launch.

import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';

const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVpc', {
  cidr: '',
  maxAzs: 2,

const instance = new ec2.Instance(this, 'MyInstance', {
  instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.T2, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
  machineImage: new ec2.AmazonLinuxImage(),
  securityGroup: new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'MySecurityGroup', {
    allowAllOutbound: true,
  keyName: 'my-key-pair',
  userData: ec2.UserData.forLinux(),

3. AWS CDK for Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS is a web service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. With AWS CDK for Amazon RDS, you can easily create and manage RDS instances, security groups, and parameter groups using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#.

The AWS CDK for Amazon RDS template provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating RDS instances. You can define the instance type, engine, storage, and security group for the instance. You can also configure the instance to use parameter groups and backups.

import * as rds from '@aws-cdk/aws-rds';

const instance = new rds.DatabaseInstance(this, 'MyInstance', {
  engine: rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine.mysql({
    version: rds.MysqlEngineVersion.VER_8_0_21,
  instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.T2, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
  securityGroups: [
    new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'MySecurityGroup', {
      allowAllOutbound: true,
  parameterGroup: new rds.ParameterGroup(this, 'MyParameterGroup', {
    engine: rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine.mysql({
      version: rds.MysqlEngineVersion.VER_8_0_21,
    parameters: {
      max_connections: '1000',
  backupRetention: cdk.Duration.days(7),

4. AWS CDK for Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. With AWS CDK for Amazon API Gateway, you can easily create and manage REST APIs and WebSocket APIs using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#.

The AWS CDK for Amazon API Gateway template provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating APIs. You can define the API resources, methods, and integrations. You can also configure the API to use authentication and authorization.

import * as apigateway from '@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';

const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, 'MyApi', {
  restApiName: 'My API',
  description: 'My API Description',

const resource = api.root.addResource('my-resource');

const method = resource.addMethod('GET', new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(myLambdaFunction));

5. AWS CDK for Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. With AWS CDK for Amazon DynamoDB, you can easily create and manage DynamoDB tables, streams, and indexes using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#.

The AWS CDK for Amazon DynamoDB template provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating DynamoDB tables. You can define the table name, partition key, sort key, and attributes. You can also configure the table to use streams and indexes.

import * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';

const table = new dynamodb.Table(this, 'MyTable', {
  tableName: 'MyTable',
  partitionKey: {
    name: 'id',
    type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING,
  sortKey: {
    name: 'timestamp',
    type: dynamodb.AttributeType.NUMBER,
  stream: dynamodb.StreamViewType.NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES,
  billingMode: dynamodb.BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST,

  indexName: 'MyIndex',
  partitionKey: {
    name: 'name',
    type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING,
  sortKey: {
    name: 'age',
    type: dynamodb.AttributeType.NUMBER,


In this article, we explored the top 5 AWS CDK templates for CloudFormation stacks that will help you automate your infrastructure deployment process and save you time and effort. With AWS CDK, you can define your infrastructure as code using familiar programming languages such as TypeScript, Python, Java, and C#.

Whether you want to create S3 buckets, EC2 instances, RDS instances, API Gateway APIs, or DynamoDB tables, AWS CDK has got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Start using AWS CDK templates for CloudFormation stacks today and take your infrastructure deployment process to the next level!

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